Ezekiel Atilola, famed for his lead role in the well-known Yoruba film ‘Tombolo,’ has transitioned to work as a commercial motorcyclist, commonly known as an Okada...
In Iperu, Ogun State, a Nigerian Police officer shot Azeez Ololade Ijaduade, a Nollywood actor and movie director. According to the reports, he’s currently fighting for...
Dejumo Lewis, the iconic Nollywood actor known for his role in the famed ‘Village Headmaster’ series, has passed away at the age of 80. Actor Saidi...
In response to the recent announcement permitting Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples, made by the Vatican on Monday, renowned Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has expressed...
Television presenter and filmaker, Frank Edoho has unveiled controversial views on love and infidelity. In a thought-provoking podcast episode of “Bahd & Boujee” released on Friday,...
Reality TV sensation Doyin Davies has candidly shared her secret to personal satisfaction. The big brother Naija star confessing in a recent interview with Oyinmomo TV...
In Nigeria, people are always talking about famous couples and their marriages. Some last, but sadly, some don’t. Let’s take a look at the marriage of ...
Renowned American actress, Taraji P. Henson has expressed dissatisfaction with the compensation she receives for her roles in Hollywood, highlighting the pervasive issue of underpayment in...
Nollywood actor, Williams Uchemba has expressed his frustration with Nigeria’s persistent electricity supply issues and the scarcity of diesel to power generators. The actor, known for...
Renowned Nigerian songstress, Tiwa Savage, has opened up about her ailing health, pleading for divine intervention and support from her fans. The artist, who is currently...