Popular comedian, Ayodeji Richard Makun, better known as AY has recently spoken out about his fallout from his colleague, Bright Okpocha a.k.a Basketmouth. In 2022, during...
A heated exchange of words had erupted between former Big Brother Naija winner, Whitemoney and Nollywood actress Victoria Inyama on social media yesterday, which left fans...
Popular Comedian, Ayo Ajewole, better known as Woli Agba, was invaded by armed robbers. Woli Agba took to his Instagram page on Thursday to confirm the...
Nollywood actress, Angela Okorie and singer, has called for unity in the country following the conclusion of the elections. The actress made this passionate appeal to...
Nigerian singer, Niniola Akpata has expressed regret for being a “kind-hearted girl” after disclosing that she was given the cold shoulder by her partner, which is...
Nollywood actress Ruth Kadiri marked her birthday by sharing breathtaking photos on Friday. The mother of two on her Instagram page captioned the photos,” It’s world...
American singer, Selena Gomez has expressed her disapproval of the death threats that were directed towards Hailey Bieber by her fans. The 30- year- old made...
An unidentified TikTok user, has claimed to have ended his relationship with his girlfriend after she received a lap dance from American singer Chris Brown while...
Tyson Fury, the world heavyweight champion, and his wife, Paris, have revealed that they are expecting their seventh child. The announcement was made by Fury via...
An American television host, Nick Cannon, who has fathered 12 children with six different women, expressed regret over not having a child with his former girlfriend,...