Big Brother Titans show sees drama as housemates Yemi and Nellisa face punishment for breaking house rules. In a recent twist, the duo was declared the...
Big Brother Titans housemate Nana Nana, has shared that she earned a significant amount while working as an escort by using Kayanmata to attract senators. She...
Nigerian musician, Alexander Akande, better known as 9ice celebrates the first birthday of his daughter with admiration. Taking to his official Instagram account, the singer conveyed...
Nigerian comedian, Mr Macaroni, has expressed his frustration with the current state of the country and criticized the ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), for...
Nigerian singer and producer, Timi Dakolo, has urged caution among religious followers in the country. In a post shared on his Instagram page on Friday, he...
Nollywood actor Yomi Gold, known professionally as Yomi Alore, has taken to social media to cry for help after receiving death threats amid a paternity scandal....
Nollywood actor Federick Leonard has taken to social media to voice his concerns about the ongoing hardships faced by Nigerians. In a post on his Instagram...
Nigerian singer, Oxlade, has been ordered to pay N5 million in damages by the Ikeja High Court in Lagos after a leaked sex video featuring him...
Students of the University of Benin has clashed with soldiers on Thursday over a dispute at an ATM machine on campus. The trouble started when soldiers...
Renowned Nigerian afrobeat singer, Adekunle Gold, has publicly criticized President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration for causing hardship in the country. This comes after Nollywood actress Omotola Jalade...