Abosede, the mother of the late singer Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, famously known as Mohbad, has reiterated her demand for her daughter-in-law, Wunmi, to undergo a DNA...
Billionaire magnate, Elon Musk has taken on a groundbreaking role as the newest Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at the renowned American entertainment powerhouse, The...
After a tumultuous nine days in police custody, Martins Vincent Otse, popularly known as VeryDarkMan, has finally regained his freedom. Omoyele Sowore, the convener of the...
Renowned Nollywood actor and self-proclaimed pastor, Yul Edochie, ignited a storm of reactions following his recent Facebook proclamation urging against the burning of shrines and deities....
Omowunmi, the wife of the deceased singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad, has made a public plea for assistance amidst claims of threats to her...
Renowned Nollywood actress and filmmaker, Eniola Ajao, has broken her silence regarding the recent uproar surrounding the ‘Best Dressed Female’ award bestowed upon controversial figure, Bobrisky,...
Wunmi, the widow of the late Nigerian singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, commonly known as Mohbad, has urged Joseph Aloba, the father of the deceased, to obtain a...
Renowned comedian and filmmaker Ayo Makun, popularly known as AY, has revealed the remarkable reconstruction of his Lagos mansion, which was destroyed in a devastating fire...
Rapper Kanye West has waded into the dispute between his colleagues Kendrick Lamar and Drake. Biztellers recalls that the discussion on who is the current top...
Controversial crossdresser, Idris Okuneye, better known as Bobrisky has shared additional details about his transition. When he was an undergraduate at the University of Lagos, the...