In a thrilling culmination of talent and dedication, New Era Girls Senior Secondary School emerged victorious in the maiden edition of the Monday Gift Girls...
In a recent development, Manchester United’s chief executive, Richard Arnold, has officially resigned. His departure from Old Trafford, confirmed on Wednesday afternoon, coincides with speculation about...
Barcelona kicked off their Women’s Champions League title defense with a commanding 5-0 victory over Benfica. The Women’s Champions League title which commenced on Tuesday...
Eight Secondary Schools are set to compete for glory at the highly anticipated Maiden Monday Gift Girls Cup 2023 on November 15 at the Obele Community...
The 2023/2024 Nigeria Women Football League (NWFL) Premiership is poised to kick off in grand style with an electrifying clash between the reigning champions, Delta Queens,...
Arsenal striker, Bukayo Saka has set himself apart as the only player of the London Football Club to have scored or assisted against each English Premiership...
Liverpool’s standout performer, Mohamed Salah, received accolades from manager Juergen Klopp following his remarkable achievement in Sunday’s 3-0 triumph over Brentford. This win propelled Liverpool...
The Nigeria Women’s Football League (NWFL) has announced a shift in the date for the highly anticipated 2023/24 NWFL Premiership season opener between Ekiti Queens and...
The introduction of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) in the 2019/20 season was with the objective of eliminating blatant refereeing errors by identifying and correcting significant missed...
Diego Simeone, the coach of Atletico Madrid, has signed a three-year contract extension, which will keep him with the club until June 2027. The Spanish...