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Falz, Mr. Macaroni, Meet CP Over Security Issues



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Mr Macaroni

The commissioner of police for Lagos state, Idowu Owohunwa, summoned several state stakeholders, among them the comedian Mr. Macaroni and Nigerian musician Falz, to a meeting.

The meeting at the Command Headquarters was called in response to worries about overall state security.

Recall that Mr Macaroni had recently disclosed a threat on his life by an unidentified individual after the 2023 elections.

The content creator also stated that he receives such threat from time to time.

Owohunwa assigned the participants with the responsibility of promoting tolerance, peace, and adherence to the rule of law among their followers.

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Excitement As Davido Unveils Pre-wedding Photos [PICTORIAL]



David Adeleke, the Afrobeats icon popularly  known as Davido, has released pre-wedding photographs featuring his partner Chioma in anticipation of their upcoming Tuesday wedding.

These images were shared via his Instagram account under the hashtag #CHIVIDO2024.

Davido recently confirmed his engagement to Chioma Rowland last Tuesday.

According to sources, their traditional wedding ceremony is scheduled to occur in Lagos on June 25, 2024.

See photos below:

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Funke Akindele Voices Concerns Over Social Media ‘Baddies’



Nollywood actress and producer Funke Akindele has expressed her worries regarding the rising trend of ‘baddies’ among females on social media.

The acclaimed filmmaker shared her views during a recent interview with Arise TV, highlighting her concerns that the ‘baddies’ trend, which involves flaunting bodies and luxurious lifestyles online, lacks substance.

Akindele stressed the need for content creators to disseminate positive messages rather than merely providing entertainment.

She emphasised the importance of mindful content consumption. “I enjoy watching beautiful content, but you have to watch what you churn out. You need to focus on your brand, what you’re selling, what you want people to learn from you,” she stated.

She urged actors and self-made individuals to produce content that positively influences lives. Akindele questioned the authenticity of the lavish lifestyles often portrayed on social media, advising fans not to believe everything they see. “A is carrying a designer bag and showing you on video, but how sure are you that she’s not borrowing the bag? How sure are you that she’s rich? Don’t believe everything on social media,” she warned.

Akindele’s main concern is the superficiality associated with the ‘baddies’ trend. “I’m so worried about these so-called baddies. A baddie without showcasing what you have upstairs? We need to know what you are doing, what positive content you are creating that people would be proud of. Yes, it’s good to showcase fashion. But what do you have upstairs to show us? Are you just a baddie for mouth? Even if you are a dancer, what else do you have?”

In her closing remarks, Akindele called for a shift towards more meaningful and educational content on social media, encouraging both creators and consumers to strive for substance and authenticity.

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Davido’s First Baby Mama Denies Denying Him Access To Their Daughter



Sophia Momodu, the first baby mother of Afrobeats star Davido, has refuted allegations that she denied the singer access to their daughter, Imade.

In response to Davido’s recent legal action seeking custody of their child, Momodu issued a statement through her legal representatives, asserting that it was Davido who had chosen not to see their daughter since July 2022.

The statement said, “David has not seen their daughter since 2022 by his own choice. Sophia has never denied him the opportunity to see his daughter. He has not reached out on special occasions such as her birthday or Christmas for the past two years, which has left his daughter distressed and questioning why her father has cut contact with her. Despite this, David posts images of her on social media to falsely portray himself as a supportive and active father

“Since July 2022, David has not fulfilled his financial responsibilities towards their daughter, leaving her school fees unpaid. Their daughter’s school has contacted him multiple times regarding the fees for the 2021/2022 school term and January 3023, no response. Legal counsel was sought in February 2023, resulting in David’s father, Mr. Adedeji Adeleke, eventually paying the outstanding fees. Regardless of this neglect, Sophia strongly maintains that the most important support David can provide to their daughter is presence and emotional support.”

It added, “Sophia has never denied David access to their daughter, only access to her body and intimacy, which he has taken issue with. David is in a publicly known relationship and Sophia wishes him well. She seeks to move forward in her life free from harassment and verbal abuse.”

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