Zack Orji, the esteemed actor, has emerged triumphant from a challenging ordeal, having undergone two successful brain surgeries, as announced by the Actors Guild of Nigeria...
Emeka Rollas, the President of the Actors’ Guild of Nigeria (AGN), has vehemently refuted swirling social media rumours claiming the demise of Nollywood stalwart, Zack Orji....
Zack Orji, a prominent figure in Nollywood, currently remains in critical condition at the ICU in Abuja’s National Hospital. The 63-year-old veteran actor is currently hospitalized...
Nollywood Actor and filmmaker, Zack Orji, has pledged his support for All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Orji expressed his support for Tinubu...