Nigerian comedian, Bright Okpocha, better known by his stage name Basketmouth, has disclosed his plans to retire from professional comedy in five years. The stand-up comedian...
Popular comedian, Ayodeji Richard Makun, better known as AY has recently spoken out about his fallout from his colleague, Bright Okpocha a.k.a Basketmouth. In 2022, during...
Elsie Okpocha, the estranged wife of Nigerian comedian Basketmouth, has offered advice to individuals who are constantly encouraging unmarried people to get married. In a video...
Popular Comedian, Basketmouth, whose real name is Bright Okpocha, has announced on Thursday that he and his wife, Elsie Okpocha, have decided to end their...
By Funmilayo Olusanya Nigerian comedian Basketmouth has on Thursday, asked his followers to comment on a real estate deal he made 14 years ago. Basketmouth claimed...