Level 2 housemates of the ongoing television reality show, Big Brother Naija, Season 7, have won the week 3 wager challenge. Biggie, the coordinator of the...
The television reality show, Big Brother Naija has taken a new turn with two “rider housemates” introduced to the show as it runs into the third...
Level 1 housemates of the ongoing television reality show, Big Brother Naija, season 7, on Friday won the week two wager challenge. Biggie, the coordinator of...
Info Digital Africa, the Public Relations consulting firm for the ongoing television reality show, Big Brother Naija, has revealed five ways to vote for housemates nominated...
It was indeed an eventful Thursday night for Big brother Naija Level 1and 2 housemates. Housemates had a blast at the Level 1 Pool party, where...
Today marks the final day of the Big Brother Naija countdown as Ebuka Obi-Uchendu will officially launch the seventh season of the reality television program at...
Eunice Oluwafunmilayo The organizers of Reality TV show Big Brother Naija (BBNaija), has announced that the seventh season of the show start July 23 and 24,...
Former Big Brother Naija,BBNaija Natacha Akide, better known as Tacha, has expressed her dissatisfaction with how rapidly Nigerians return to normalcy following tragic events in...
The Big Brother Naija ‘Shine Ya Eye’ Reunion program premiered on all Africa Magic platforms on Thursday at 10 p.m. During the reunion program, viewers...
Reality TV star and actor, Pere Egbi, has disputed a report that claimed he and Rashida Bello, the current First Lady of Kogi State, were...