In a dramatic turn of events on the reality TV show BBTitans, housemate Yaya has called out Mmeli over his behavior towards fellow contestant Nelisa. The...
The ongoing Big Brother Titans’ Ziyakhala Wahala season, which began on Sunday night, January 15, has four pairs up for potential eviction in the third week....
Big Brother Titans housemates, Kananga Jr and Blue Aiva emerged as the Head of House after winning the third HOH game. The game was in two...
The voting results that have been revealed are those of just the bottom two pairs of housemates. The top two housemates pairs’ voting results have been...
The first eviction night on the Big Brother Titans show was filled with surprises and excitement. Sandra and Theo were the first housemates to leave the...
Nigerian Big Brother Titans housemate, Yemi Cregx has called out his female colleagues for their continual gossiping on the show. In a recent statement, Yemi slammed...
Big Brother Titans housemate, Khosi has confronted her colleague Blue Aiva for getting too close to Yemi Cregx. It all began when Khosi accused Blue of...
In a shocking turn of events, Big Brother Titans stars Lukay and Ipeleng have become the first housemates to engage in sexual intercourse in the Titans’...
Big Brother Titans housemate, Lukay has accused fellow housemate Nelisa of constantly lying and exaggerating her experiences. Lukay stated in a recent diary session with Big...
Big Brother Titans housemate, Lukay, has expressed interest in fellow housemate Oliver, but raised concerns about her body odor. In a conversation with fellow housemate Ipeleng,...