Renowned American singer Cardi B has voiced her concerns over Donald Trump’s win in the 2024 US presidential election. Cardi B, Beyoncé, and other prominent celebrities...
In a recent turn of events, rapper Nicki Minaj has firmly denied allegations that she was throwing shade at Beyoncé in a now-deleted tweet. The Trinidadian...
In an announcement made by ITV news on Tuesday, it was revealed that Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, the renowned American singer, has chosen a popular Nigerian-owned restaurant...
Celebrity endorsements have become increasingly popular in today’s advertising industry, but the question remains, are they a powerful tool for promoting a product or service,...
Nigerian superstars, Tems and Wizkid, together with American singer Beyonce Carter have been announced as winners in the 2023 National Association for the Advancement of Coloured...
American singer, songwriter, and actress Beyonce, broke records by winning four Awards at the 2023 Grammy awards on February 5th. Beyonce took home four awards on...