Renowned Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus, has made an emotional plea to her fans, revealing her heartfelt desire to have children. This candid moment occurred during her...
Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus has commended the Nigerian economy under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. She highlighted that the nation’s imports are on the decline while exports...
Nwakaego Okoye, a Tiktoker who was detained and imprisoned for disparaging Nollywood producer and actress Eniola Badmus, has spoken out about her experience there. On Thursday,...
Renowned Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus has commenced the circulation of the asoebi outfits that were chosen for the inauguration and festivity of Bola Tinubu, the presidential...
Popular Lagos socialite, Mike Eze Nwalie Nwogu better known as Pretty Mike, again on Thursday night send the guest in awe as he storms Eniola...
Following her announcement few weeks back, Popular Nollywood Actress Eniola Badmus on Thursday finally celebrates her 20 years in acting with a book launch in...
Fans recently react to the new body of Popular Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus after shedding 25kg off her body weight. Eniola Badmus announced this via...