Renowned gospel artist Moses Bliss and his wife, Marie, have joyfully announced the birth of their first child, a baby boy. The couple shared the heartwarming...
Kayode Salako, husband of actress Foluke Daramola, has officially confirmed his marriage to Oluwafunke Oyegoke-Salako. This news follows earlier rumours that he had fathered a child...
Nollywood actress Laide Bakare has offered career-driven women some unconventional advice on balancing family and professional life. According to the 43-year-old actress, women aspiring for long-term...
Folakemi Falana, daughter of human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, has issued a threat to social media critic, VeryDarkMan for failing to retract alleged defamatory statements made...
British-Nigerian rapper and singer, Oluwafisayo Isa, popularly known as Darkoo, recently shared how coming out to her parents about her sexuality has positively impacted her life....
The somber procession of the late Chief Executive Officer of Access Bank, Herbert Wigwe, alongside his wife and son, has touched down in Nigeria. The poignant...
By Funmilayo Olusanya A yet-to-be identified young lady has been beaten up by a family and stripped over a disagreement between the victim and thier...