Renowned Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus, has made an emotional plea to her fans, revealing her heartfelt desire to have children. This candid moment occurred during her...
Global superstar and billionaire, Rihanna, recently gave fans a glimpse into her life as a mother, describing the challenges of raising two boys as an “Olympic...
Netizens have been expressing diverse thoughts on the impact pregnancy could have on a woman’s looks. Loads of reactions trailed a viral post by an...
Nollywood Star, Ini Edo, has spoke on how being a mother changed. The mother-of-one disclosed this in an interview with Lilian Afegbai, a fellow actress,...
Nigerian Singer and songwriter, Simisola Bolatito Gold, better known as Simi has revealed reason she does not feature in other Nollywood movies after Kunle Afolanyan’s...