Renowned Nollywood producer and director Shina Sanyaolu has passed away, leaving the Yoruba film industry in mourning. The news of his death was confirmed by Bolaji...
Nollywood actor, Okiki Afolayan has announced the acquisition of a luxurious mansion valued at N800 million. The actor, along with his wife Bimbo Afolayan, shared the...
Renowned Nigerian actress and TV host, Kehinde Bankole, has revealed the sole condition under which she would accept a nude role in a film. Bankole made...
Nollywood star Mercy Aigbe has confirmed the engagement of Iyabo Ojo’s daughter to renowned Tanzanian singer, Juma Jux. Earlier on Iyabo Ojo’s daughter, Priscilla had shared...
Nigerian actor, Adeniyi Johnson has responded to his suspension by the African Men Entertainment Kings (AFRIMEK). BIZTELLERS reports that AFRIMEK, led by actor Femi Adebayo, at...
Afrobeats sensation, Ayra Starr is about joining the ranks of pop stars entering Nollywood. The 22-year-old Grammy-nominated artist is set to make her acting debut in...
Nollywood is mourning the loss of renowned Yoruba actor Yusuf Olorungbebe, who has passed away after a prolonged battle with a chronic illness. The news was...
The Nollywood community has been struck by grief following the death of actress and filmmaker Sharon Okpamen, who passed away after complications from childbirth. The tragic...
Renowned Nigerian actress, Nancy Isime has broken her silence following the backlash over her latest film. In a candid statement, Isime addressed the criticism, stating, “I’m...
The Nigerian Government, through the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), has responded to demands for the ban of a contentious film featuring actress Nancy...