The Lagos State Police Command has established a 13-member special investigative team tasked with unraveling the enigmatic demise of the Nigerian musician, Ilerioluwa Aloba, widely recognized...
According to Olumuyiwa Adejobi, the Public Relations Officer of the Nigeria Police Force, they are anticipating input from Bella Shmurda, a close associate of the late...
In Ondo, a 22-year-old individual has been apprehended by the Ondo State Police Command on charges of both rape and armed robbery in the Ondo East...
A car wash attendant identified as Mohammed was apprehended by the Rapid Response Squad just three days after being hired. He had disappeared with a Toyota...
The Bauchi State Police Command has detained a 30-year-old man who specialises in stealing motorcycles. The suspects, Kabiru Danfulani, who is now at large, and Bello...
At least 10 people have been reported dead in fights between suspected cult groups in Benin and Auchi, Edo State, over the past three days. The...
Two people accused of posing as police officers were arrested by the Lagos State Police Command on Thursday. At the Police Officers Mess in Ikeja, Lagos,...
The police have verified the tragic passing of Priscilla Galadima, a 16-year-old girl, who was fatally crushed by a tanker in Minna, Niger State. DSP Wasiu...
Nwakaego Okoye, a Tiktoker who was detained and imprisoned for disparaging Nollywood producer and actress Eniola Badmus, has spoken out about her experience there. On Thursday,...
An alleged member of an infamous kidnapping ring and suspected cultist was arrested by Delta State Police Command agents. According to reports, the arrest was related...