In the aftermath of stampedes in Oyo, Anambra, and Abuja that claimed the lives of 67 people, including 35 children, several Nigerian states have activated strict...
According to the recently released Global Development Prospect report for June 2023 by the World Bank, Nigeria’s economic growth has been deemed insufficient to tackle...
The World Bank has released a Macro Poverty Outlook for Nigeria, April 2023 brief, revealing that Nigeria used 96.3% of its revenue generated in 2022...
The Federal Government has declared that 133 million people or 63% of Nigeria’s population of over 200 million live in poverty. Based on a survey conducted...
….2Baba takes ‘Vote not fight’ campaign to Osun Dr. Akin Ogunbiyi has identified poverty and ill governance as reasons youths are being used as tools...
By Edozie Obasi-Eze Many more people in Nigeria and its Sub-Saharan neighbors would fall prey to acute poverty within the year. This is contained in...