In a shocking incident on Sunday morning, unknown gunmen suspected to be kidnappers invaded the home of Alhaji Auwal, a prominent businessman, in Garo Town, Kabo...
A coordinated operation led by operatives from the Department of State Security (DSS) has resulted in the rescue of four kidnapped individuals in Sokoto State. The...
Nigerian Afro pop singer Gnewzy, whose real name is Emuemu Oghala Goodnews, has disclosed the ransom paid for his release after being kidnapped. BIZTELLERS gathered that...
The Lagos Waste Management Authority’s worker, Rafiu Rahaman, has been arrested for faking his kidnapping and seeking N5 million in ransom from his colleagues in...
Nollywood actor, Akah Nnani, on Wednesday berates the Lagos State chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, for announcing the ransome paid for the release...