A tragic accident on Monday in Shuwarin town, Kiyawa Local Government Area, Jigawa State, resulted in multiple casualties and significant loss. The lone accident involved a...
In a show of unrest, youths in Damaturu have vandalized billboards put up to welcome President Bola Tinubu for the launch of the Yobe Agricultural Empowerment...
Candidates of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in Yobe state has won all the chairmanship and councillorship positions in the local government elections held on Saturday....
A middle-aged housewife identified as Sadiya who was held captive and malnourished for a year by her husband in Nguru, Yobe State, has passed away in...
The governor of Yobe State, Mai Mala Buni, has stated that Hisbah Police will be established by his government in order to efficiently meet the requirements...