Veteran Nollywood actor, Dele Odule, has opened up about the most heartbreaking moment of his life, revealing it was when he lost his first child. The...
Nollywood is mourning the loss of renowned Yoruba actor Yusuf Olorungbebe, who has passed away after a prolonged battle with a chronic illness. The news was...
Renowned Yoruba filmmaker and actor, Chief Adedeji Aderemi, widely recognized as Olofa Ina, has passed away at 73. Throughout his life, he played a significant role...
Ezekiel Atilola, famed for his lead role in the well-known Yoruba film ‘Tombolo,’ has transitioned to work as a commercial motorcyclist, commonly known as an Okada...
Veteran nollywood actress, Sidikat Odunkanwi better known as Iyabo Oko, has reportedly passed away. The actress died on Wednesday evening, her daughter Bisi Aisha...
The passing of Yoruba actor and producer Murphy Afolabi has left the entertainment industry in mourning. The Nollywood star reportedly passed away in the early...
Yoruba Nollywood actor, Murphy Afolabi, has been comfirmed to have passed away after falling in his bathroom in Ikorodu, Lagos on May 14, 2023. ...
Veteran Actor Sunday Akinola, known for his role as Ayo Mogaji in the TV series “Feyikogbon,” has passed away. Singer and poet Sulaimon Aremu, also known...
Yoruba actor, Jigan Babaoja, has turned to social media to reveal the impairment he has had since birth as he turns 40 on Thursday,June 16th....