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Revenge Porn: Lagos ‘Businessman’ Dwindle, Wanted For Blackmail



Amarah Kennedy


Amarah Kennedy, a businessman from Lagos, has persisted in posting images of two single mothers with whom he once had sexual relations.


Biztellers learned that he posted pictures of one of the women, just known as Kester, through the WhatsApp network of her church.


Additionally, he forwarded the pictures to her late husband’s office and relatives.


“By the time I am done, suicide will be her only option,” Kennedy stated.


Kester confirmed that her in-laws and pastor had called to show solidarity with her.


On Tuesday alone, Kennedy sent the nude photos to at least 48 people.


Our correspondent had reported in a special feature on Sunday that two women, Kester and one other identified simply as Temi, met Kennedy separately on different WhatsApp and Facebook chat groups for singles.


Kester, who lost her husband about eight years ago in a car crash, said the businessman, after chatting her up, started showering her with monetary gifts.


However, after a disagreement, he sent her over 50 of her nude photos which he secretly took after their lovemaking in a hotel.


She said the suspect demanded N100,000 from her as a condition to delete the photos.


The mother of two noted that after she sent the money and asked if the photos had been deleted, he demanded an additional N40,000 to delete them permanently, which she sent to him.


Despite the payments, the suspect went ahead to circulate the photos on Facebook.


Kester said she attempted suicide twice but failed, as some of those who saw the images started questioning her.


The second victim, Temi, said the suspect usually had marathon sex with her in hotels while under the influence of drugs, and afterwards gave her N1,000 as transport fares.


She said after she discovered that he was not serious about the relationship and was merely using her, she stopped talking to him.


However, Kennedy reportedly sent her several of her nude photos and demanded all the money he had spent on her in the relationship.


She said she borrowed N15,000, which she sent to him.


However, after she appealed to his sister on Facebook for help to talk to him, he started circulating the nude photos.


Temi said the businessman regularly called her to demand money.


After the report was published, the suspect on Monday threatened to continue to damage the reputation of the women for “spoiling my image.”


He then started sending the nude photos to more of their family members.


PUNCH Metro obtained some of the screenshots as the suspect continued to chat with the victims and their friends to show them those he was sending the nude photos to.


Kennedy, in a chat seen by our reporter, wrote, “Her (Kester) pictures are there. At Redeem parish WhatsApp group platform. I am all over the news, she also will be all over the news. By the time I am done, suicide will be her only option.


“This one to her colleague at work…28 pictures. I have sent to her friends abroad both male and female. I have sent to her inlaw, redeem church branch on WhatsApp, to her pastor and more random people online.


“Una never jam. My image is already dented. Hers will go round. Pictures that I have uploaded on a porn site today, all 52 pictures.”


Kester, while speaking to Journalists, said her in-laws had contacted her over the matter.


She promised not to take her own life, saying her daughters needed her.


While fighting back tears in an audio message, she said, “I’m sorry I had to cry. It’s been a while I said I would cry over this issue but I feel better now. My in-laws have called me. Thank God. They are the ones now encouraging me, asking if I had reported to the police.


“They said I even tried, that if it was their brother, they know he would have remarried. That I tried to stay for eight years, they are heaping curses on Kennedy’s head. My in-laws are with me. The shame is for him. They are standing by me. They are even happy I tried to go into a relationship.


“But I entered a relationship with a beast. But they said any support I need to fight this guy, they are there for me. My in-laws are ready to fight this battle for me and they have vowed they will not have rest until Kennedy is arrested. Now, my in-laws know they need to fight for me and they will fight for me.”


Biztellers learnt that the suspect was on the run as he, however, maintained communication with a few people on WhatsApp.


He told this reporter he was aware the police were after him, hence he installed an anti-tracker on his phone.


Idowu Owohunwa, the commissioner of police for Lagos State, has taken over the investigation in the interim.


Kester claimed that she discussed the situation with the CP and the Pen Cinema Divisional Police Officer on Tuesday.


She claimed that the police officials committed to bring the perpetrator to justice for her and any other women he may have abused.


The Adewunmi Adefunke-led Black Diamonds Support Foundation said that after looking into Kennedy’s actions, nine widows and three single moms claimed that he had blackmailed them.

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Emir Sanusi Hosts Sallah Durbar Amidst Controversy In Kano



On Sunday, Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II presided over the traditional Sallah Durbar in Kano State, following the Eid prayer and sermon at the Kofar Mata Jumu’at Mosque.

Heavy rainfall had necessitated the relocation of the prayer from the usual Eid ground to the mosque.

The event was attended by Kano State Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf and several cabinet members. Security was tight, with a combined team of forces ensuring safety.

In a customary display, Emir Sanusi rode back to his palace, pausing along the way to accept greetings from citizens and various groups.

This year’s Durbar took place despite an earlier ban by the Kano State Police Command, which had prohibited Sallah festivities following a joint security meeting.

Governor Yusuf publicly disagreed with the police’s decision, stating he had not been consulted.

The Kano State Government criticized the police for not adhering to the Governor’s directives.

At a press conference, Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice Haruna Isah Dederi condemned the police command’s unilateral decision to ban the festivities, questioning the undermining of the Governor’s authority as the Chief Security Officer of the state.

He said, “I am compelled to ask the question: who is usurping the authority of the Commander-in-Chief. Because some people are dishing out directives to security chiefs in the State so much so that the State Police Commissioner without any consultation with the Chief Security Officer of the State or approval from the State Security Council had issued an order banning Eid-el-Kabir festivities in Kano State.”


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Peter Obi Extends Eid-el-Kabir Greetings To Muslim Faithful



Peter Obi, the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate in the 2023 elections, extended his warm greetings to Muslim faithful as they celebrated the Eid-el-Kabir festival.

In a statement issued by Tanko Yusuf, the Spokesman for the Peter Obi Presidential Campaign Council, Obi urged Muslims to find strength in the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim.

He emphasized the importance of unwavering trust in Allah, courage, and a willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good, qualities exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim.

Obi expressed his hope that the celebration would bring the community closer to Allah and inspire unity and devotion among all believers.

Obi’s message read in part, “My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, as we gather to celebrate Eid-al-Adha, the feast of sacrifice, I want to extend my warmest wishes to you all.

“May this Sallah bring us all closer to Allah, to one another, and our true potential as individuals and as a nation.

“Amid challenges and uncertainties, let us draw strength from our faith and the teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

“His unwavering trust in Allah, his courage, and his willingness to sacrifice for the greater good are objects of inspiration to us all. As we celebrate, let us strive to be a source of hope, comfort, and support to those around us.

“May Allah accept our prayers, our fasting, and our charity and May He grant us the wisdom to walk in His path, the courage to stand for what is right, and the grace to be a blessing to our communities.”

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BREAKING: Over Ten Killed, Many Abducted In Sokoto Attack



Residents Panic Over Gunmen Invasion In Abakaliki

In the early hours of Sunday, suspected bandits launched a deadly attack on Dudun Doki village in Sokoto State.

The assault, which took place around 1:30 am in the Gwadabawa local government area, resulted in the deaths of over ten villagers and the abduction of numerous others.



More to follow…….. 

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