Nollywood is mourning the loss of renowned Yoruba actor Yusuf Olorungbebe, who has passed away after a prolonged battle with a chronic illness. The news was...
Mariah Carey has announced that her mother, Patricia, and her sister, Alison, both passed away on the same day last weekend. The acclaimed singer, who has...
Big Brother has issued a stern warning to housemates Wanni and Handi after they made condescending remarks about the show’s ninjas. During a tense address, Big...
Chelsea forward, Nicolas Jackson has hit back at former Blues midfielder Mikel Obi, who recently criticised his performance. Jackson bluntly told the ex-Chelsea star to “shut...
Agents of the Osun Amotekun Corps have detained a guy named Muritala Ibrahim on suspicion of defilement. It was learned that in Agba, Boripe Local Government...
Sven-Goran Eriksson, the Swedish football manager who led England from 2001 to 2006, passed away on Monday at the age of 76 following a battle with...
Afrobeats singer and producer Maleek Berry has shared his experience with fellow artist Davido from their early days in the industry. Appearing on the ‘90s Baby’...
Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard,’ housemate, Wanni has reconciled with Shaun after a brief but intense breakup. The couple’s relationship faced significant strain following revelations...
Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ housemate, Kellyrae has shared why he was troubled by his wife and partner on the show, Kassia, playing with another...
Nigerian singer, songwriter and record producer, Stanley Omah Didia better known as Omah Lay has expressed concerns about the afrobeats genre, stating that it is under...