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Barber Dies Following Alleged Marathon Sex Session




Tragedy struck in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, as a barber, known only as Otubong, reportedly passed away after engaging in what has been described as a lengthy sexual encounter with his female partner.


The incident took place in the Mile 2 area, which is known for its high population density.


Eyewitnesses revealed that on Thursday evening, the man was observed entering his room with the lady involved in the unfortunate incident.


In addition, it was discovered that the middle-aged man had consumed various sex enhancement drugs, including alcoholic beverages.


However, on Friday morning, a concerned neighbor who went to check on him was startled to find his door opened.


The neighbour said, “It was early this morning (Friday) that one of his neighbours went to his house to collect something and saw that the door was open.


“He said after knocking and calling his name without a response that he decided to go and see the man.


“So he shouted and immediately rushed out and I informed other residents of what he saw. People now came, took him, and went to report the matter to the police.”


In the meantime, a police source has informed our correspondent that within the man’s room, two black bullet drinks, two packs of tramadol, and another sex-enhancing drug were discovered.


The incident was however reported to the Azikiwe Police in Port Harcourt.


Efforts to obtain comments from the Rivers Police Command Spokesperson, Grace Iringe-Koko, were unsuccessful as her mobile phone went unanswered.


As of the time of filing this report, Superintendent of Police Iringe-Koko had neither returned the call nor responded to a text message.


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Bauchi Man Arrested For Trying To Sell 5-Year-Old Daughter



In a startling development, the Bauchi State Police Command has apprehended Yusuf Umar, a 49-year-old resident of Dagu Dutse in Warji local government area for attempting to sell his 5-year-old daughter for a staggering sum of N1.5 million.

According to reports, Umar, who asserts his employment with Warji local government, allegedly removed the child from her mother, his former spouse.

In a press briefing on Thursday, Bauchi State’s Commissioner of Police, CP Auwal Mohammed, confirmed the incident, stating that Umar justified his desire to sell his daughter by claiming that her presence reminded him of a distressing encounter he purportedly had with her mother.

Auwal said “The suspect took the 5-year-old from the estranged wife in Warji LGA under the pretense that he would take her to his sister in Bauchi town. Unknown to the mother he had already arranged to hand over the girl to someone.

“The suspect was arrested in a hotel in Bauchi after he bargained for one million Naira (N1.500,000) to give up his biological daughter.

The Commissioner of Police stated that he has initiated a discreet investigation to uncover further motives behind Umar’s actions. Upon completion, Umar will be prosecuted in court.

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Driver Shot Dead Over Refusal To Pay N200 Bribe



A police officer in Bayelsa State has fatally shot Benalayefa Bako Asiayei, a 40-year-old driver, allegedly over his refusal to pay a N200 bribe.

The incident occurred on Thursday along Azikoro Road in Yenagoa.

Asiayei, an electrician and father of three, was using his Sienna car for commercial purposes to supplement his income when he was stopped by a police patrol team.

Witnesses report that the officers demanded a N200 bribe, a practice reportedly common among motorists in the area.

Asiayei reportedly attempted to explain to the officers that he only had one passenger and could not pay the bribe. During this exchange, one of the policemen shot him.

The deceased’s in-law, who happened to be at the scene, identified Asiayei in a pool of blood as the police van fled.

Asiayei’s body was initially taken to the Government House in Yenagoa before being transferred by the police to the Federal Medical Centre Mortuary.

The officer responsible, a member of the special patrol unit “Operation Doo Akpo,” has not yet been identified.

When contacted, the police spokesman in Bayelsa State, ASP Musa Muhammed, stated that a formal statement would be issued later on Thursday.

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Again, Ex-SMEDAN DG In Hot Soup Over Alleged N119m Laundering



In a dramatic turn of events, Bature Umar Masari, former Director General of SMEDAN, found himself back in undesirable spotlight as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) re-arraigned him on an amended 22-count charge related to alleged money laundering.

The charges, involving a staggering sum of N119,507,080 and allegations of gratification, underscore the gravity of the case.

During Tuesday’s proceedings, prosecution counsel Ekele Iheanacho informed the judge about the presence of an amended 22-count charge, dated May 13, 2013, and filed on May 17, 2019, which he asserted was already before the court.

Despite the charges brought against him, the defendant maintained his innocence by pleading not guilty to all counts.

In response, the prosecution counsel requested a trial date to proceed with the case, intensifying the anticipation surrounding the legal battle.

Count 19 of the charge reads: “That you Bature Umar Masari between 27th June 2014 and 17th July 2014 at Abuja within the Jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did use the sum of N10,000,000.00 (Ten million naira) paid into your Diamond Bank Plc Account No. 002688674 by Rahuse Ventures Limited when you reasonably ought to have known that the said N10,000,000.00 was proceeds of unlawful activities to wit: conspiracy and gratification and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 15(2)(d) of the Money Laundering Prohibition Act 2011 as amended by Act No. 1 of 2012) and punishable under section 15(3) of the same Act.

Count 20 reads: “That you Bature Umar Masari between 14th July 2014 and 21st July 2014 at Abuja within the Jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did use the sum of N10,000,000.00 (Ten million naira) paid into your Diamond Bank Plc Account No. 002688674 by Rahuse Ventures Limited when you reasonably ought to have known that the said N10,000,000.00 was proceed of unlawful activities to wit: conspiracy and gratification and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 15(2)(d) of the Money Laundering Prohibition Act 2011 as amended by Act No. 1 of 2012) and punishable under Section 15(3) of the same Act.

The defense counsel, Okechukwu Edeze, informed the court that the case was initially under the jurisdiction of Justice Okong Abang before his elevation to the Court of Appeal.

Edeze stated that Justice Abang had granted bail to the defendant on May 24, 2019, and since then, Masari had been abiding by the bail conditions.

He urged the court to allow his client to maintain the bail previously granted by Justice Abang.

After considering all arguments presented, Justice O. A. Egwuatu granted the defense counsel’s request and released the defendant into the custody of his legal team.

The judge then adjourned the case until July 16, 2024, marking the date for the trial to commence.

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