Renowned singer, Michael Adebayo Olayinka, known as Ruger, expresses his desire for his peers to view him as a formidable presence in the music industry. He...
The mother of Primeboy, a childhood friend of the late singer Mohbad, who was formerly signed to Marlian Record label owned by Naira Marley, is appealing...
Charles Inojie, a well-known comic actor and director, has expressed concern about the rise of what he calls “Jezebel daughters” in the Nigerian movie industry....
Renowned Nigerian social media influencer and crossdresser, Okuneye Idris better known as Bobrisky, proudly declares that she envisions a brighter future for herself as a woman,...
Winner of Big Brother Naija All Stars, Ilebaye Odiniya, known as Baye has announced her intention to donate N12 million as a tithe to her church...
Former contestant of Big Brother Naija All Stars, Pere, has firmly conveyed his reluctance to ever cross paths with his former colleague, Alex Unusual, in the...
The demise of Lagos musician Mohbad, associated with a record label owned by Naira Marley, sparked controversy and became a focal point in the second-semester...
Big Brother Naija reality show contestant Pere Egbi recently disclosed his choice between fellow contestants Mercy Eke and KimOprah during a recent episode of Clout Africa’s...
The Lagos State Police Command, after conducting a two-week investigation into the death of Nigerian rapper Ilerioluwa Aloba, aka Mohbad, released an interim report yesterday...
The Lagos Command of the Nigeria Police Force revealed that Feyisayo Ogedengbe, the auxiliary nurse who administered an injection to Mohbad, is now considered the...