The Big Brother Titans reality show is heating up as housemates nominate two pairs for eviction this week. Following the instruction from Biggie, the Head of...
Big Brother Titans housemstes, Tsatsii and Ebubu have been crowned the Head of House for the fourth week. The tension was palpable as the housemates competed...
American singer, songwriter, and actress Beyonce, broke records by winning four Awards at the 2023 Grammy awards on February 5th. Beyonce took home four awards on...
Nigerian blogger and entrepreneur, Linda Ikeji, has been criticized for the release of the movie “Dark October”. The film depicts the story of the murder of...
Nollywood actor and media personality Uti Nwachukwu has revealed the appropriate age for men to get married. In an interview with Toke Makinwa on her podcast...
Nigerian actress, Yetunde Bakare is calling on fathers to take DNA tests on their children to prove their paternity. Bakare urged men to save up or...
Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh has received an outpouring of support from fans after complaining about bank issues on Instagram. The actress revealed that she was unable...
Nollywood producer and actress Ini Edo has cleared up misconceptions about her stance on feminism. Following her depictions and the story in Edo’s latest Netflix series,...
In the latest of the popular reality show “Big Brother Titans,” viewers voted to evict Jaypee and Lukay, known as JayKay, from the competition. The pair...
Nigeria singer, Temilade Openiyi, a.k.a Tems made history at the 2023 Grammy Awards held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, by becoming the first female...