The ninth season of the reality TV, Big Brother Naija show premiered on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Titled ‘No Loose Guard,’ the season will see housemates...
On Monday, heavy traffic congestion disrupted commuters on the Keffi-Abuja expressway as military personnel set up an unannounced roadblock for a stop-and-search operation. The blockade, located...
The highly anticipated BBNaija Season 9, themed ‘No Loose Guard,’ premiered with a spectacular twist as two sets of identical twins and the show’s first-ever married...
Youths in Niger State have taken to the streets to protest Nigeria’s escalating cost of living crisis. Demonstrators carried placards with messages such as ‘Enough is...
In an exciting start to Big Brother Naija Season 9, the pair of Chinne and Nne, known collectively as NdiNne, emerged victorious in the maiden Custodian...
Nigerian comedian Oluseyi Aletile, known professionally as Seyi Law, has been appointed as Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Entertainment and Tourism to the Governor of Ondo...
Labour Party’s (LP) presidential candidate and former Anambra State Governor Peter Obi has called on party members and supporters to refrain from attacking Kenneth Okonkwo, its...
Gunmen have abducted Isa Muhammad Bawa, the District Head of Gatawa in Sabon Birni Local Government Area (LGA) of Sokoto State, along with his son and...
President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela has been declared the winner of the country’s presidential election, securing his third term in office. According to the country’s electoral...
The United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada have issued security warnings to their citizens in Nigeria ahead of the anticipated nationwide protests starting August 1,...