After entertaining audiences for a remarkable 13 years, ‘The Johnsons’, a beloved Nigerian comedy series, has bid farewell to the small screen. Charles Inojie, the talented...
Charles Inojie, a comedic Nollywood actor, has shared his experience with his colleague John Okafor, aka Mr. Ibu. Recently, Inojie paid a visit to Mr. Ibu...
Charles Inojie, a Nollywood actor has shared details of his childhood, disclosing that his father’s lack of support was attributed to his stepmother. He also...
Nollywood veteran Charles Inojie, an actor and director, suggested that many female actresses in the industry tend to be wealthier than their male counterparts due to...
Charles Inojie, a well-known comic actor and director, has expressed concern about the rise of what he calls “Jezebel daughters” in the Nigerian movie industry....