In a chilling incident that has sparked widespread shock and outrage, Oluwatimileyin Ajayi, a gospel singer and content creator, was apprehended on Sunday carrying a severed...
Renowned gospel artist Moses Bliss and his wife, Marie, have joyfully announced the birth of their first child, a baby boy. The couple shared the heartwarming...
Adedoyin Odunuga, the wife of renowned gospel singer Damilare Odunuga, popularly known as Dare Melody, has passed away. The tragic news was shared late Thursday via...
Gospel singer David Ogwu, known by his stage name David Nathan Ile, has expressed his commitment to spreading God’s presence through his music. In an interview...
Popular Nigerian gospel singer Tope Alabi has responded to the controversy that has surrounded her viral video in which she can be heard singing in...
By Funmilayo Olusanya Frank Edwards, a well-known gospel musician, has weighed in on the general election. According to him, the election should center on a candidate...
Popular gospel singer, Tim Godfrey, finally unveiled the identity of his fiancée, whom he proposed to on Valentine’s Day. The singer shared photos of himself and...