Renowned gospel artist Moses Bliss and his wife, Marie, have joyfully announced the birth of their first child, a baby boy. The couple shared the heartwarming...
Renowned Nigerian author and social commentator Reno Omokri has shed light on why an increasing number of Nigerian men are opting to marry outside of their...
Renowned gospel artist Moses Bliss has taken the plunge into marital bliss with his beloved Ghanaian partner, Marie Wiseborn. The duo, whose love story sparked on...
In a heartwarming revelation that set social media abuzz, renowned Nigerian gospel singer Moses Bliss shared the joyous news of his engagement to his lovely partner....
Fast rising Nigerian gospel singer and songwriter, Moses Bliss, is celebrating his birthday today(February 20). The 28-year-old renowned gospel artist, known for his soulful and inspiring...
Nigerian gospel artist, Moses Bliss, has surprised his lawyer Pelumi Olajengbesi with a generous gift of N5 million after Olajengbesi confided in Bliss about his financial...