Nigerian mogul Olakunle Churchill and his spouse, Rosy Meurer, a renowned Nollywood actress, joyfully welcomed their second child, Imisioluwa. The couple, married in 2019, now embraces...
It appears that the ongoing conflict between Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh and her ex-husband Olakunle Churchill shows no signs of abating despite having been separated for...
Olakunle Churchill, former husband of Tonto Dikeh, has offered advice to the actress to let go of the past. He indicated that his marital status, whether...
Nigerian businessman, Olakunle Churchill, on Friday marked his son’s seventh birthday with his Ex-wife Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh on Friday. On his Instagram page, Churchill expressed...
On the third anniversary of their marriage, Tonto Dikeh’s Ex husband, Olakunle Churchill and his wife Rosy Meurer celebrated with loving posts on their respective...
Nigerian Actress, Tonto Dikeh, came under fire for making a remark about her ex-husband Olakunle Churchill. Dikeh’s ex-husband’s cousin, Gbemi Adesioye slammed her for making false...
Nigerian Actress, Tonto Dikeh, has stated to those messaging her on Instagram for a relationship that money is the only language she now understands. The...