Florence Otedola, known as DJ Cuppy, a renowned disc jockey and daughter of Nigerian billionaire, Femi Otedola, has made history as the first Nigerian to host...
An agency of the United Nations (UN), the International Organsation for Migration (IOM) has lamented that over 1,000 Nigerians have been scammed in their desperate bid...
. . .·Move Will Boost Our Economy – Jamoh The Federal Government has welcomed the decision by the United Nations (UN) to extend Nigeria’s continental shelf...
In the face of mounting concerns about the civilian carnage and pressure on the international community to do more to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza,...
President of the United States of America, Joe Biden is billed for a solidarity visit to Israel on Wednesday. The visit has been described by Secretary...
On Friday, President Bola Tinubu urged the UN to support Nigeria’s battle against terrorism in a more practical way. During a meeting at the State House...
The United Nations says that because of the pandemic and Russia’s invasion, children in Ukraine are having a hard time learning language, math, and reading. This...
Seafood sellers in Beijing expressed consternation Thursday over Japan’s gradual release of wastewater from the disaster-hit Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean. Hours before...
A call has gone to corporate bodies to consider incorporating more of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) into their overall strategies for greater success. The Chief...
South African presidency has confirmed that the president of Russia won’t be present at a summit in South Africa next month. The declaration of war on...