In a bid to achieve fame and gain acknowledgment, individuals in Nigeria are engaging in unique challenges to secure a place in the esteemed Guinness...
Chaos unfolded on Friday in the bustling towns of Onitsha and Nnewi in Anambra State as gunshots were fired by unidentified gunmen, leading to the...
Governor Agbu Kefas of Taraba has announced that starting from the upcoming academic session, free education will be provided in all state government primary and...
In Jikwoyi, Abuja, the presiding judge of a customary court, Dada Oluwaseyi, delivered a noteworthy admonishment to Murikat Nura on Friday. During the court...
According to Prof. Abiola Sanni, a professor of Commercial Law at the University of Lagos, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s recent decision to suspend the 2023...
According to reports from The Sun UK, Manchester United is said to be planning to sell several of their fringe players during the summer transfer...
The French government has successfully passed a bill that grants police authorities the ability to conduct remote surveillance on individuals by activating various features of...
The Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) and Other Financial Institutions (OFIs) in Nigeria have been cautioned by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) regarding their dealings...
Comrade Douglas Iyike, the Chairman of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), Edo State chapter, has announced that plans are underway to convert...
Meta, the parent company of Instagram, is facing a potential lawsuit from Twitter regarding its newly launched platform called Threads. On Wednesday, July 5,...