Esther Okagbue, also known as “Bella,” a former participant of the popular reality television show Big Brother Naija, season 7, has verified that her relationship...
Prime Video made an exciting announcement today, revealing its inaugural unscripted African Original titled “LOL: Last One Laughing Naija.” The show is set to...
According to the World Bank, Nigeria is projected to save approximately N3.9 trillion in revenue, which will help the country reduce its current fiscal deficit....
Saudi authorities have launched an investigation on Thursday following a fatal exchange of gunfire outside the US consulate in Jeddah. The incident resulted in...
German attacking midfielder Kai Havertz has joined Arsenal from Chelsea, signing a “long-term contract.” The exact transfer fee has not been disclosed by either...
Reports from England indicate that Leicester City is nearing the acquisition of Harry Winks, a midfielder from Tottenham Hotspur, as they prepare to embark on...
Peter Obi, the labour party presidential candidate opened his residence in Onitsha to host members of the Anambra Muslim Community in celebration of Eid al-Adha....
Mr. Matthias Schmale, the United Nations’ leading humanitarian official in Nigeria, has expressed concern over the dire hunger situation impacting a significant population of 4.3...
Former Nigerian Senate spokesperson, Senator Ajibola Bashiru, has responded to accusations linking him to a purported assassination plot against the Governor of Osun State, Ademola...
Paris, France has again finds itself shrouded in darkness once again as escalating violence and civil unrest plague the streets. Reports indicate that the...