Nigerian actor and film director, Daniel Effiong, recently shared a captivating story about his father, Colonel Moses Effiong, and how he narrowly escaped execution and...
Senator Ned Munir Nwoko, a member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) representing Delta North, expressed his deep sorrow and grief over the tragic passing...
A Niger Delta Monarch, Leaders and stakeholders from the Niger Delta region have united in their demand for a thorough internal cleansing within the nation’s...
In Edo State, the Taskforce Against Human Trafficking apprehended a 48-year-old man named Anthony Igbinogun and his girlfriend, Joy Umukoro, aged 28 for selling their...
Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, a candidate representing the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), concluded his presentation before the Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) in Abuja...
Social media platforms are abuzz with excitement as fans of renowned Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe, express their adoration for her latest photos donning a Hijab....
TikTok music celebrity, Crown Uzama, and five others have been convicted by the Kaduna Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). ...
Former Al-Hilal striker Odion Ighalo has revealed that his most challenging moments with the Nigerian national team were the aftermath of their elimination from the...
On Friday, President Bola Tinubu had a meeting with Swiss Confederation President Alain Berset during the New Global Financing Pact Summit held in Paris,...
The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and its candidate, Atiku Abubakar, have submitted certified copies of academic and work records belonging to President Bola Tinubu to...