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FG Considers Hiring Ad-Hoc Staff To Replace Striking Doctors




The Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, revealed on a Channels Television program that the federal government has threatened to hire ad-hoc doctors with salaries equivalent to those of the striking resident doctors.


This move is in response to the ongoing strike action taken by the resident doctors.


The National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) initiated a five-day warning strike on Wednesday due to unfulfilled demands.


One of the major demands put forth by the association is a 200 percent increase in the Consolidated Medical Salary Structure, calculated based on the current gross salary of doctors.


They have also requested the inclusion of new allowances as outlined in their letter to the Minister of Health on July 7, 2022, regarding the review of CONMESS.


Additional demands include the payment of the 2023 Medical Residency Training Fund, clearance of salary arrears, and adjustment of the minimum wage.


In response to the strike, Minister of Labour and Employment Chris Ngige expressed the view that the resident doctors were exaggerating the severity of the situation, implying that they were raising unnecessary concerns or “crying wolf” about the issues at hand.


In addition, Chris Ngige criticized the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) for what he perceived as disrespect towards the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA).


According to Ngige, the NMA was already engaged in negotiations with the government on behalf of the resident doctors.


He said “The resident doctors are part of NMA. They are young doctors in training. So if the NMA is negotiating on their behalf as the parent body, what these young people (resident doctors) are doing is disrespecting the NMA. They are crying wolf when there is none.”


The five-day warning strike initiated by the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) has resulted in significant disruptions to healthcare services across various medical facilities in the country. Our reporters have observed that NARD members have fully complied with the strike.


At the National Hospital Abuja, individuals seeking medical attention at the General Out-Patient (GOP) unit were denied access due to the strike.


However, services were still being provided at the hospital’s emergency unit, with consultants and house officers taking over the responsibilities typically carried out by resident doctors.


Despite the ongoing strike by the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD), the doctors in Yobe State have made a decision not to participate in the industrial action.


Following a meeting with the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Baba Mallam Wali, in Damaturu, the President of the Association of Resident Doctors (ARD) in Yobe State, Dr. Mai Bukar Kalli, confirmed their resolution.


The Yobe State wing of NARD has chosen to continue providing medical services and has opted against joining the nationwide strike.


The decision was likely reached after considering the unique circumstances and local factors specific to Yobe State.


He acknowledged that the administration of Governor Mai Mala Buni had been responsive to many of the union’s demands stating that the government has made efforts to provide state-of-the-art medical equipment and improve the overall conditions of service for doctors in the state.


Dr. Kalli emphasized that Yobe State has been working towards recovery from the impacts of the Boko Haram insurgency, which had significantly affected multiple sectors, including healthcare.


Therefore, the decision not to participate in the strike was motivated by the understanding that joining the strike would hinder the ongoing post-insurgency recovery efforts, particularly in the health sector.


Dr. Mai Bukar Kalli also highlighted that a significant number of members within the Association of Resident Doctors (ARD) in Yobe State receive sponsorship from the state government.


He emphasized that this support stands in contrast to the situation faced by doctors in many other regions who feel neglected or abandoned.


In response to the decision of the Yobe State doctors not to join the strike, the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Alhaji Baba Mallam Wali, expressed his appreciation for the union’s stance.


He commended the doctors’ decision, noting that it would contribute to saving lives and further improving the health sector within the state.

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Lagos Records 15 Deaths In Cholera Outbreak



Lagos State is facing a devastating cholera outbreak that has tragically led to the deaths of 15 individuals, as confirmed by Commissioner for Health Professor Akin Abayomi.

The outbreak has spread across 29 wards in multiple Local Government Areas (LGAs), resulting in 350 suspected cases, of which 17 have been confirmed.

Commissioner Abayomi highlighted ongoing efforts to stem the outbreak, noting a recent decrease in new cases.

He disclose that laboratory tests have identified the cholera subtype O-1, known for its severity and associated with more severe disease outcomes.

“The situation remains dynamic with varying daily case counts across different LGAs,” Abayomi remarked during a briefing on the state’s surveillance and response efforts.

In response to the escalating crisis, the Ministry of Health has activated its Public Health Emergency Operations Centre at Mainland Hospital, Yaba, Lagos.

This move aims to coordinate efforts in managing the increasing number of severe gastroenteritis cases reported across the state.

Earlier this week, Abayomi reported about 60 hospital admissions and, tragically, five deaths linked to the outbreak. The majority of fatalities were attributed to delayed hospital presentations with severe dehydration.

Tunbosun Ogunbanwo, Director of Public Affairs at the state Ministry of Health, emphasized the government’s commitment to containing the outbreak and ensuring public health safety in Lagos State.

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25 Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf



Bitter leaf, also known as Vernonia amygdalina, has many health benefits.

It is being used in Africa and Asia for a long time to treat sickness.

Though it tastes bitter, that’s what makes it good for you. You can consume bitter leaf in different forms like juice or extract.

Studies have found that bitter leaf has good things like alkaloids and flavonoids. These can help with things like fighting inflammation, stopping bacteria, and even fighting cancer. People have used it for a long time to help with stomach problems, fevers, and liver issues.

In Africa, people often use bitter leaf in their traditional medicine, calling it “ewuro.” Tests have shown it really does have medicinal value. It’s becoming more popular worldwide. Bitter leaf also has antioxidants that protect your body from damage and help fight diseases.

One big benefit is that it helps with inflammation, which can cause many health problems. Bitter leaf has a compound called vernodalin that fights inflammation. It’s also good at fighting infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

Here are 25 health benefits of bitter leaf, and bitter leaf juice along with the constituents that provide each benefit:

1. Boosts Immune System: Bitter leaf is rich in antioxidants and other nutrients such as vitamin C and E which help to boost the immune system and protect the body from infections.

2. Helps With Weight Loss: Bitter leaf contains flavonoids that can help to stimulate the breakdown of fat, which makes it a great addition to a weight loss regimen.

3. Reduces Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of bitter leaf can help to reduce inflammation in the body and relieve pain caused by conditions such as arthritis.

4. Treats Malaria: Bitter leaf contains a compound called vernodalin, which has been shown to be effective against the malaria parasite.

5. Regulates Blood Sugar: The antioxidants in bitter leaf can help to regulate blood sugar levels, making it a great natural remedy for people with diabetes.

6. Lowers Blood Pressure: Bitter leaf contains compounds that can help to relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure, making it a great addition to a heart-healthy diet.

7. Improves Digestion:
Bitter leaf can help to improve digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.

8. Treats Skin Infections: Bitter leaf has antimicrobial properties that can help to treat skin infections and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. This is one of the popular health benefits of bitter leaf.

9. Fights Against Cancer:
Bitter leaf contains a compound called vernonolide that has been shown to have anticancer properties.

10. Boosts Liver Health: Bitter leaf can help to protect the liver from damage and improve liver function.

11. Treats Respiratory Infections: Bitter leaf has been used for centuries to treat respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

12. Treats Fever: Bitter leaf has antipyretic properties, which means it can help to reduce fever. This is one of the essential health benefits of bitter leaf.

13. Reduces Anxiety: Bitter leaf has a calming effect on the body and can help to reduce anxiety and stress.

14. Improves Cognitive Function: Bitter leaf contains antioxidants that can help to protect the brain from damage and improve cognitive function.

15. Promotes Wound Healing: The antimicrobial properties of bitter leaf can help to promote wound healing and prevent infection.

16. Treats Sore Throat:
Bitter leaf can help to soothe a sore throat and relieve coughing.

17. Fights Against Fungal Infections: Bitter leaf has antifungal properties that can help to treat fungal infections such as ringworm.

18. Boosts Fertility: Bitter leaf has been used for centuries to improve fertility in both men and women.

19. Treats Stomach Ulcers: Bitter leaf has been shown to be effective in treating stomach ulcers.

20. Lowers Cholesterol: Bitter leaf can help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

21. Promotes Healthy Eyes: Bitter leaf contains antioxidants that can help to protect the eyes from damage and improve vision.

22. Treats Urinary Tract Infections:
Bitter leaf has been used to treat urinary tract infections for centuries.

23. Reduces Menstrual Pain: Bitter leaf can help to reduce menstrual pain and regulate menstrual cycles.

24. Treats Insomnia: Bitter leaf can help to promote relaxation and treat insomnia.

25. Improves Skin Health: Bitter leaf contains vitamins and minerals that can help to improve skin health and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Bitter leaf has many good things for your health. It has different helpful stuff like alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes, and phenolic acids. These are what make bitter leaf good for you. Bitter melon leaf, bitter gourd leaf, ampalaya leaf, and vernonia amygdalina leaf all have benefits.

Bitter leaf can also help control blood sugar, which is great for people with diabetes. It also fights inflammation, fungus, and bacteria, which can keep you from getting sick.

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More Women Living With HIV In Nigeria – NACA



More Women Living With HIV In Nigeria, Reveals NACA

The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) has highlighted a worrisome trend in Nigeria, with Director General Dr Gambo Aliyu underscoring that more women than men are living with HIV in the country.

Dr Aliyu revealed that young Nigerian women were particularly vulnerable, being three times more likely to live with HIV compared to men in the same age bracket.

He categorically stated that six out of every ten individuals living with HIV in Nigeria were females.

In a press statement released on Tuesday to mark the upcoming International Women’s Day, Dr Aliyu emphasised the importance of empowering Nigerian women. He noted that this year’s theme, ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,’ aligns with NACA’s commitment to advancing gender equality and addressing the unique challenges faced by women living with HIV/AIDS.

Dr Aliyu stressed that investing in women is not just a financial commitment but also a catalyst for sustainable progress in society. By empowering women, he explained, positive transformations can occur within families, communities, and the nation as a whole.

In light of the International Women’s Day, NACA reaffirmed its dedication to empowering women and girls in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Dr Aliyu highlighted the agency’s ongoing efforts to promote inclusive policies, ensure access to comprehensive healthcare, and provide education to empower women to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

Dr Aliyu expressed gratitude to individuals, organisations, and partners contributing to the advancement of women’s rights and the global HIV/AIDS response. He urged continued collaboration towards a future where every woman can live free from the burden of HIV/AIDS.

According to NACA, an estimated 1.8 million people are living with HIV in Nigeria, with approximately 1.63 million already receiving Antiretroviral Therapy, a life-saving medication.

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