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Full statement: What Fani-Kayode said about Obidients



Full statement: What Fani-Kayode said about Obidients

Who are these Obidients?

Let me make this clear from the outset. I am a member of the APC and a supporter of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu.

This contribution does not in any way derogate from that and my analysis is more of an academic and intellectual exercise than anything else.

I am NOT a supporter of Peter Obi and I have NO intention of becoming one. I am however interested on what his supporters represent and stand for and that is the subject of this essay.

They are worthy of my attention only because their rise and relevance in the political configuration of our nation, just in a matter of weeks, is meteoric and phenomenal.

In order to counter and defeat them or to keep them in their place we must at least attempt to understand them and figure out how their minds work.

The following are my findings.

Those that are the supporters of Peter Obi, the Labour Party presidential candidate, are known as ‘Obidients’ and they are EVERYWHERE.

Those of us in the larger political parties like the ruling APC and the opposition PDP, treat them with contempt and ignore them at our own peril.

The truth is that they are far more dangerous to our collective cause as a ruling class than many of us can possibly conceive or appreciate.

Only the discerning can appreciate this and know precisely where this whole thing may be heading.

They may not have structures or elected representatives in the legislative and executive arms of Government but they have IDEAS and VISION coupled with a clear ideological and philosophical bent which can and will  endure for far longer than mere political platforms and structures.

Unknown to them as well as virtually everyone else, therein lies their power. As they say, an idea whose time has come cannot be stopped.

Long after we are all gone they will still be here because structures and political alliances rarely endure but IDEAS and VISION last forever.

“Again they will outlive and outlast us all because they are not a political party in the true sense of the word but rather a growing national movement which scales and spreads across ethnic, religious, political and regional lines and traditional boundaries.

They also represent a generational and paradigm shift which is increasingly attractive to many and they are bound tightly together by a common purpose, common cause and common objective: namely to rid Nigeria of the old order and usher in the new.

That is really what they want to do and that is the primary and strongest source of their inspiration and motivation.

They are far more dangerous to what the French describe as the ‘Ancien Regime’, the old political class and the entire system itself than anything we have ever seen before because most of them, bar their leader and a small handful of political tried and tested veterans and old war horses around him, are NOT politicians and have never ventured anywhere near the political arena or the circles of power.

In the main they are an innovatively aggressive and frightful array and association of angry and determined young men and women who clearly have the courage of their convictions coupled with the audacity, fury, daring, rage and firm resolve of those that were involved in the Endsars protesters and the fiery footsoldiers that effected  the 1917 Russian Bolshevik revolution led by Vladimir Iliyich Lenin.

There is also something Rawlingesque and intimidating about them.

That is to say they are like the late, great and mighty son of Africa and leader of Ghana, President Jerry Rawlings, who also led a successful revolution in his country in 1979 and who, on his second coming in 1981 when he toppled yet another Government said, “if there is no justice there can be no peace!”

That is the spirit that is in the Obidients and that is what moves them.

Yet though they do not like to hear it their chances of winning the presidential election next year, short of a miracle, are very slim and deep down they all know it even if they refuse to publicly acknowledge it.

Despite that they are determined to fight to the end, hope for the best, work hard and give it their best shot and, of course, therein lies their victory.

In this game courage is the key. As they say, ‘he who dares wins’. Again as they say, ‘fortune favours the bold’ and these young people are both daring and bold.

That they can challenge the status quo and vie for the sacred and awesome power that has been shared by the two major political parties or their ancestral variants over the last 62 years is commendable in itself. I am not part of them but I certainly commend and applaud their efforts.

They too have a right to fight for their rights and future and to be heard. They too have a dream and a story to tell and we must never begrudge them that.

Yet if the truth be told they are not only interested in winning an election but, perhaps even more importantly, they are interested in making a profound and defiant statement, registering their protest against the status qou and the powers that be and triggering and engendering a full scale, comprehensive and all-embracing social, cultural and political revolution.

They want a real and fundamental change and not a fake one. They want to pull the whole house and system down with everyone in it and rebuild a new one in their own image, with their own values and on their own terms.

Most important of all they want to see the back of those of us that are in any way associated with the old order or that have been in Government or the corridors of power at ANY point in time over the last 62 years.

That desire and sentiment is the force that is driving and propelling them and that is kindling their fire and swelling their ranks.

They are like the Robspiers and the Marats of the bloody French revolution between 1789 and 1799 whose battle cry was “liberty, equality and fraternity”, who brought an end to the French monarchy, Royal family and nobility, chopped off their heads and established a proud and strong new order and proud Republic.

READ ALSO: Kuje attack: DHQ dismisses Fani-Kayode’s allegations

Like Robspier’s tiny cabal of French revolutionaries they are led by a small cell of intellectual and idealistic hardliners and are bolstered, girded and supported by a volatile, massive and increasingly dangerous support group and power base who threaten violence and hurl insults at their perceived detractors at the drop of a hat and as a consequence of years of pent up anger and frustration.

If they ever get power many heads will roll and many of today’s and yesterday’s leaders will run into exile or go into hiding.

This is especially so of those who have something to hide or who have skeletons in their cupboards.

That is what makes them so threatening and I repeat, those of us that are in the larger political parties or that are members of the existing and ancient ruling class underestimate them, ignore them and display disdain for their firm resolve and rising anger at our own peril.

Most of my political associates, friends and colleagues across party lines tend to dismiss them with contempt.

They regard them as being inconsequential and argue that they only exist on social media. I beg to differ. I see them in the streets and I see them in the Churches.

I see them amongst my staff and amongst those that regard themselves as being amongst the oppressed and downtrodden. I see them amongst the professionals and those that are bankers, lawyers, doctors and artists.

I see them in the North, West, East and South. I see them everywhere and not only on social media.

I see them as being a very powerful and potent rising force which, if properly managed, will develop into a major political power over the next few years with a strong ideological and electoral foundation and massive structures.

That is the potential that they have and that is how dangerous they can be.

The sooner those of us that are in the larger political parties get off our high horses, display a little humility,  try and understand their mindset, reach out to them, take them more seriously, appreciate their anger, restore their hope, make the necessary concessions and try and abate their rage and rising angst the better it will be for us all.

They may not have today but if we do not play our cards right they may end up having tomorrow. May God help us all.”

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El-Rufai Rejects Kaduna Assembly’s Report As Politically Motivated



Former Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai, has criticized the Kaduna State House of Assembly’s report on his administration, calling it a “politically motivated hatchet job.”

The Assembly had adopted the findings of its ad-hoc committee, which investigated his governance from May 2015 to May 2023.

In a statement issued on Wednesday by his spokesman, Muyiwa Adekeye, El-Rufai asserted that his administration was marked by integrity and competence throughout his eight-year tenure.

The ad-hoc committee, which examined the finances, loans, and contracts awarded during El-Rufai’s time in office, presented its report to the House on Wednesday.

Committee chairman Henry Zacharia claimed that many of the loans acquired during El-Rufai’s administration were not used for their intended purposes and that due process was often not followed in obtaining them.

The Speaker of the Assembly, Yusuf Liman, stated that the El-Rufai administration allegedly siphoned N423 billion, leaving the state with substantial liabilities.

As a result, the committee recommended that security and anti-corruption agencies investigate and prosecute El-Rufai and certain members of his cabinet for alleged abuse of office, diversion of public funds, and money laundering.

Additionally, the committee called for the immediate suspension of the current Commissioner of Finance, Shizer Badda, who also served in the same role under El-Rufai’s administration.

Responding, El-Rufai’s spokesman, Muyiwa Adekeye, affirmed the integrity of the El-Rufai administration and dismissed the committee’s claims as “scandalous.”

He said, “Malam Nasir El-Rufai is immensely proud of his record of governance and the legacy he left in Kaduna State. This record of consistently high performance in public and private office cannot be altered by any malicious effort to use the auspices of a state legislature for defamation and undeserved smears.

“Many of the officials who served in the El-Rufai government appeared before the ad-hoc committee because of their confidence in the quality of their service and the rectitude which they served Kaduna State.

“They were under no illusion that they were participating in a fair process. It was obvious that the ad hoc committee was merely going through the motions of an inquiry just to give some gloss to predetermined conclusions.

“It is sad to see such a shameful departure from any notion of decency and fairness by a state legislature. We dismiss with contempt the claims being peddled in connection with the report.

“Malam El-Rufai wishes to assure discerning Nigerians that he has served Kaduna State with integrity and to the best of his capacity, assisted by a hardworking and patriotic team. He complied with all extant laws in all his activities while he was the governor. This jaundiced probe should be disregarded as the politically motivated hatchet job it is.”


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Senators Lock Horns As Open Grazing Ban Bill Clears Second Reading



Tensions flared in the Nigerian Senate as a bill aimed at banning open grazing made significant progress by passing its second reading.

The session was characterized by vigorous debates, reflecting the contentious nature of the proposed legislation.

If approved, the bill would enforce a nationwide prohibition on open grazing, with the primary goal of resolving enduring conflicts between herders and farmers.

Sponsored by Senator Titus Zam representing Benue North West, the bill provides detailed regulations for the establishment and management of ranches, seeking to promote responsible practices and alleviate disputes.

Senator Zam emphasized the importance of creating a National Animal Husbandry and Ranches Commission to oversee ranch management and regulation across the country.

He said: “The proposed National Animal Husbandry and Ranches Commission is for management, preservation, and control of ranches throughout Nigeria.”

However, the bill faced opposition from Senator Danjuma Goje of Gombe and Senator Adamu Aliero of Kebbi.

Lawmakers and former governors argued that since cattle rearing and ranching activities are predominantly in the North, legislation should encompass the entire country rather than a specific region.

Senator Goje highlighted that cattle routes predominantly traverse the North, extending only as far as Lokoja, without reaching the South.

Also, Senator Hussein Babangida Uba of Jigawa North-West urged caution in passing the bill due to its history of controversy.

Conversely, supporters of the bill emphasized that the proposed Commission would effectively manage the farmers/herders crisis, warranting its approval.

Ultimately, the bill was passed following a voice vote conducted by Senate President Godswill Akpabio.

The Senate referred the bill to the Committee on Agriculture, Judiciary, and Legal Matters, tasking them to reevaluate it within a four-week timeframe.

This legislative step is intended to tackle the complexities and disputes linked to cattle rearing, striving for a structured and enduring solution for the industry.

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Reps Denies Excessive NASS Salary Claims, Blame NLC For Misleading Figures



The House of Representatives has rebutted claims made by Organised Labour regarding the remuneration of National Assembly members, stating that the narrative is inaccurate and deceptive.

A spokesperson for the House, Akin Rotimi, emphasized that Organised Labour has perpetuated misinformation for years, inflating figures to incite public dissatisfaction and discredit the legislature.

Rotimi asserted that this tactic aims to shift focus from significant matters and unjustly tarnish the parliament’s reputation.

He said “It is important to address persistent misinformation and disinformation propagated by Organised Labour Leadership regarding the earnings of lawmakers.

“This is especially because Organised Labour has for years, contributed to false narratives about the remuneration of Members of the National Assembly, exaggerating figures to stoke public resentment and undermine the credibility of the Legislature.

“This tactic diverts attention from the core issues at stake and unfairly vilifies the institution of parliament. All parties must engage in an honest and transparent dialogue rather than resorting to the spread of inaccuracies for political leverage.

“Contrary to the insinuations of the Labour Leadership through its social media platforms, the Legislature is on the side of Nigerians and will continue to act in the best interest of our constituents – giving meaning to their mandate.

“The 10th House of Representatives is committed to strengthening relevant legislation to ensure that essential services remain operational during future industrial actions, thereby protecting the lives and well-being of all Nigerians.

“We urge the Leadership of Organised Labour to return to the negotiation table and engage other stakeholders, in good faith, to achieve a balanced and sustainable outcome.

The spokesperson further reiterated that lawmakers are unwavering in their dedication to the welfare of Nigerian workers and the nation’s progress.

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