Renowned Nollywood actor, John Okarfor, famously known as Mr Ibu, has tragically passed away at the age of 62. The veteran comedian breathed his last at...
Family, friends, and fans have gathered at the residence of Yoruba Nollywood actor, Tolani Quadri Oyebamiji, popularly known as Sisi Quadri, to discuss his burial. His...
Renowned Nollywood actor, Tolani Quadri Oyebamiji, better known as Sisi Quadri, has tragically passed away at the age of 44. Read: How I Survived Childhood Kerosene...
After entertaining audiences for a remarkable 13 years, ‘The Johnsons’, a beloved Nigerian comedy series, has bid farewell to the small screen. Charles Inojie, the talented...
Renowned American psychologist, Dr. Umar Johnson, has recently stirred excitement within the Nigerian film industry, expressing his keen interest in starring in a Nollywood movie. In...
Renowned reality TV star and Nollywood sensation, Bisola Aiyeola, has divulged her conscientious approach to selecting acting roles, attributing her decisions to the welfare of her...
In a bold declaration, Nollywood luminary, Timini Egbuson has asserted himself as the preeminent actor on the African continent. With an illustrious career spanning 15 years,...
Ngozi Ezeonu, a seasoned Nollywood actress, has refuted rumours that she passed away. The actress declared herself “alive and healthy” in a video posted to her...
Funke Akindele’s newest film, ‘A Tribe Called Judah’, has made history in Nollywood, becoming the first-ever movie to surpass a billion naira at the box office....
Hannatu Musawa, the Minister of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy, announced on Tuesday that Zack Orji, a Nollywood actor who’s been unwell, underwent brain surgery...