Fast-rising Singer, Habeeb Okikiola, simply known as Portable, flaunted loads of cash while declaring himself a superstar, rich and expensive. In a video on his...
Fast-rising Singer, Habeeb Okikiola, popularly known as Portable, has been denied the opportunity to perform at an upcoming event in Canada organized by comedian MC Morris....
Fast-rising Nigerian artiste, Habeeb Okikiola, better known as ‘Portable,’ has fired his manager, Disk Jockey, for failing to make a financial commitment to him. According...
Fast-rising Nigerian singer, Habeeb Okikiola alias Portable ‘Zazu Zeh’ has revealed that he would use his money to sleep with people’s wives. Portable who breaks...
Following the counter video by an initial accuser named Abike who confessed that her accusations about impregnation and abandonment of child against fast rising Singer...
Nigerian Professional dancer, Poco Lee has reacted to the accusation by fast rising singer, Portable better known as “Zazu” of Intellectual property and money theft....