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Nigerians Spoke Against APC With Their Votes In 2023 Elections – Bakare



The authentic results of the 2023 elections clearly indicated that Nigerians are fed up with the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

This is the view of the Serving Overseer of the Citadel Global Community Church, Pastor Tunde Bakare

The fiery cleric who had presented himself for nomination for the office of President under the platform of the APC, shared his views on Sunday in a State of the Nation Broadcast, at the church at Ikeja, Lagos.

According to critic, the APC he joined to form had lost its soul. Details of these are in his speech themed, ‘Vice, Virtue & Time: Three Things That Never Stand Still’.

Bakare said, “At this juncture, I must also sound a warning to the APC. I was there when the APC was formed and the extent of my involvement is well documented.

“As a stakeholder and more importantly as a nation builder, I’m more obligated to state without equivocation that this is not the APC we envisaged.

“The results of the last elections were clear indications that Nigerians are fed up with what the APC had become.”

Delving into statistics to buttress his point, he pointed out that the votes polled by the APC during the 2023 presidential election declined from what it had in 2015 and 2019, as clearly showing that the party was losing people-support.

“If it were not for the divisions within the Peoples Democratic Party and the emergence of the Obidient movement of the Labour Party that split the traditional support base of the PDP, the APC would have convincingly lost the 2023 elections.

“Even now, the party’s victory as announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission is being challenged in court,” Bakare added.

Recall that in the February 2023 presidential election, had INEC declared President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the winner.

According to the electoral umpire, President Tinubu polled a total of 8,794,726 votes to defeat his closest rival, Atiku Abubakar of the PDP, who scored 6,984,520 to emerge second.

The Labour Party’s Obi came third by polling 6,101,533 votes.

The outcome of the election is now subject of litigation with both the PDP and the LP making strong cases to upturn the results at the Presidential Election Petitions Tribunal (PEPT).

In Bakere’s thoughts, the APC has degenerated to an all-comers-forum, being populated with politicians “with no ideology”, who gallivant from one party to the other with a proven willingness to desperately cling to power.

“The APC stood for progressivism, characterised by substantial positive investment in social sectors such as education and healthcare, and it achieved inclusiveness and social mobility,” he pointed out.

He noted that the ideology has been cast overboard, which is noticeable from the current economic hardship being faced by many Nigerians which he considered a result of “anti-people policies” of the government.

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Adeleke Felicitates Muslim Ummah



Osun Agog As Ademola Adeleke Takes Over As Governor

Osun State Governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke has congratulated the Muslim faithful in the state and beyond on the occasion of the Eid-il-Kabir celebration, urging them to imbibe the spirit of sacrifice that defines the festive period.

According to a government house statement, Gov Adeleke recognizes the significance of the festival as a reminder of the unfailing grace of Almighty Allah on humanity, noting that the occasion underscores the reward of obedience and faith in Allah subhanawattahallah.

He charged the Muslim faithful to take a cue from Prophet Ibrahim’s (ASW) act of selflessness and submissive posture, called on Muslim faithfuls to use the occasion to renew bonds and build a safe and healthy society.

“I congratulate every Muslim on this significant Islamic festival and ask that we rededicate ourselves to upholding the essence of the occasion, which underscores sacrifice and faith in Allah,” he noted.

“Let us use this period to uphold the spiritual benefit of the celebration by sharing love and togetherness across all divides, while not forgetting to seek the face of Allah for continuous peace and progress of Osun state and Nigeria as a whole.

“As a government, we are taking the lead on sacrifice in order to bring about a better situation for the people as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim (ASW), and I urge the people to exercise this same attitude so as to achieve a better condition in the social, economic, and political landscape of not just Osun state but also Nigeria.

“I call for sustained support and prayer for our administration in our drive to transform Osun and make it the envy of other places not just in Nigeria, but across Africa.”

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Adeleke Promises Domestication Of Nat’l Senior Secondary Education Law



Osun State Governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke has reaffirmed his administration’s pledge to upgrade Senior Secondary education in the state to enhance foundation for university education.

The governor, according to a government statement, made the pledge at the Government House while hosting the Executive Secretary of the Senior Secondary Education Commission, Dr Iyela Ajayi.

It was gathered the team was in Osun State to select a model school for rehabilitation and upgrade.

While describing Osun as a state that places a high premium on all round education from lower level to the tertiary stage, the Governor said, “We are a government that believes strongly in education as a potent catalyst for state development.

“Our government therefore believes in providing a conducive environment for students and teachers to achieve learning goals. The target is to produce all rounded citizens with a sound mind.

“To achieve those lofty ideals, our government devoted precious attention to upgrading learning facilities at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. With two state universities, two polytechnics and several private and federal higher institutions, we ensure no area is lacking in terms of requisite support.”

He told the delegation that Osun State was already working to domesticate the secondary education board law, adding that the state is poised to partner deeply with the national Commission.

“I call for a deeper partnership between Osun and your commission. Before the end of this month, Osun state will domesticate the law for the establishment of a Senior Secondary education board. This is already at the third reading at the State Assembly,” Gov Adeleke added.

He stated that the state is rebuilding almost all schools, expanding her pool of teachers by over five thousand; and sustaining the school feeding programme out of the 36 states.

Speaking earlier, the Executive Secretary, Dr Iyela Ajayi commended Gov Adeleke’s delivery on education and other sectors of the state, informing that his team has visited some schools in the state and is impressed with the positive development across the state.

He expressed happiness at the embrace of the domestication request by the state government, calling a state law for senior Secondary school development as a condition for partnering with the national commission.

“I commend Your Excellency for the good job you are doing in the state. We have gone round and our commission is eager to be part of good news happening to Osun people”, the Executive Secretary accompanied by his top officials noted.

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Why Senator Sani Is On Half Salary



Kaduna State Governor, Senator Uba Sani has declared that he reached a decision with his deputy and the state’s executive council to be taking half salary when it dawned on them that more than 60 percent of the populace were living below the poverty line.

A comprehensive review of the allowances of the political office holders also revealed that “it is too much”, Senator Sani added.

Biztellers reports that no political office holder or appointee is using a brand new car in Kaduna State, even the governor uses his personal cars.

In another vital reason, the governor noted was that they had to take the collective decision “cut the cost of governance in Kaduna State”.

These, Senator Sani maintained are the reasons why his administration is able to be delivering some impactful projects for which the people are surprised, and pleasantly so.

In his words, “When we came in, we sat down with them and said look, charity begins at home. We have to cut the cost of governance in Kaduna state. We are running a state where at least 60% of the population are living below the poverty line.

“I said to the Deputy Governor can we reduce this allowances because it is too much, they all agreed collectively even myself, they need to cut my salary into two, so today I’m receiving half of my salary since I became governor of Kaduna State.

“Commissioners, Advisers, Senior Special Assistance since we came in we removed their performance allowances, when you put this money together that is why people are surprise we are doing some works, because you have to cut the cost of governance.

“And today no commissioner not even Deputy Governor is using a new car in Kaduna state, I told them the cars we inherited from the previous commissioners let’s use it. Today, I’m using my personal cars as a governor and that’s what we have been doing it is not magic, it is cutting cost of governance.”

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