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Norway to support pioneering climate and weather services programme in Africa



OSLO – Norway will double its funding for strengthening climate services in Africa. “The impacts of climate change are particularly severe for people living in poverty. Norway wants to help ensure that people in vulnerable areas are better equipped to deal with the consequences of climate change,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende.

The new Climate Services Adaptation Programme in Africa is to be implemented under the Global Framework for Climate Services, which is led by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The Climate Services Adaptation Programme, which was initiated by Norway, is the first of its kind. Norway is now increasing its funding for the programme from NOK 60 million to NOK 120 million.

“This is a pioneering programme that will enhance the ability of the authorities in the countries concerned to plan for the impacts of climate change and prepare for disaster management. Not least, the programme will increase the ability of vulnerable population groups to meet the challenges of climate change at the local level. It is the world’s poorest regions that will see the most dramatic effects of climate change in the future, and it is also the poorest people who suffer the most from extreme weather events such as droughts, floods and storms,” said Mr Brende.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge BrendeResearch shows that the most serious impacts of climate change can be avoided if a country’s authorities and population have access to effective climate services. However, people in the most vulnerable areas often have little access to weather forecasts and early warnings. They also lack information channels that could provide weather-related advice on preventing the outbreak of disease or on planting and harvesting their crops. Food security, health, nutrition and disaster risk reduction are priority areas for the Climate Services Adaptation Programme, as these areas are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and at the same time very important for the welfare of the populations concerned.

“Facilitating access to understandable information and advice about weather and climate change contributes to saving lives and safeguard the livelihoods of the world’s poorest people. This is essential if developing countries are to be able to achieve sustainable development,” said Mr Brende.

The agreement between Norway and the World Meteorological Organization was signed in Warsaw on 21 November 2013 by State Secretary Hans Brattskar and WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud.



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Fatal Explosion In Rivers State Leaves Two Dead



A tanker suspected to be carrying Liquefied Natural Gas (LPG) exploded at the Obiri-Ikwerre flyover along the East-West on the outskirts of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, claiming the lives of two individuals.

The explosion, which occurred at approximately 9:25 am, was triggered when the tanker skidded off the road while maneuvering the bypass on the flyover, erupting into a massive inferno and trapping a salon car with two occupants.

Eyewitnesses recounted the harrowing scene, describing the victims as burned beyond recognition.

The eyewitness said “My office is close by. It was a terrible sight. Two persons inside a salon car parked nearby were bunt beyond recognition. The tanker was trying to negotiate through the flyover when it fell and exploded.”

Another eyewitness Lucky described how the explosion’s sound spread panic to nearby residential areas.

“Around past 9 am, I saw the flames while driving towards the University of Port Harcourt,” Lucky recounted.

“I quickly made a U-turn to avoid the scene. Many vehicles diverted to avoid the fire, some even recorded it on their phones.”

State police command spokesperson, Grace Iringe-Koko, verified both the incident and the casualty count.

She said, “Yes, I can confirm that two persons died in the tanker fire. Myself and the Commissioner of Police are on the ground as I speak to you. The fire has been put out but the area is till dangerous because the gas is still licking.

“So motorists are advised to take alternative routes to avoid any further casualty. Investigation is o going.”

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JUST IN: NLC Officials Under Attack In Plateau State



Amidst the ongoing strike declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), tensions escalated in Plateau State as some union members faced violence while enforcing the industrial action.

The confrontation took place in Jos, the capital of Plateau state, on Monday, when individuals associated with a private transport company allegedly assaulted NLC members.

Trouble arose when these individuals, operating from a motor park situated on Yakubu Gowon Way, opposite NTA Jos, reportedly hurled stones at the enforcement team.

According to Comrade Sunday Ayodele, Vice Chairman of NLC in Plateau, the assailants mistook the union members for affiliates of the NURTW and began the assault upon their arrival at the park’s gate.

Several injured NLC members are currently receiving medical attention at the Plateau State Specialist Hospital.

He said “Immediately the touts at the park saw us arriving the gate, they started hauling stone at us, thinking we are members of the NURTW.

“Unknown to us, there is a pending dispute between the private transport company and NURTW Jos. And the touts in the park simply descended on our members. Before we could understand the reason for the attack, the touts had injured 4 members of NLC.

“It took the intervention of the security agencies for calm to be restored at the park. We had to withdraw our enforcement team from the park to allow peace to reign.”


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Ex-Super Falcons Star Turned Man Appeals For N69m To Enable Him Bear Children



James Johnson, formerly known as Iyabo Abade during her tenure as a Super Falcons player from 1997 to 2000, is now seeking financial assistance from the Nigeria Football Federation.

Johnson, a confirmed hermaphrodite, is in need of N69.7 million for a corrective surgery that would enable him to bear children.

His journey began with a sex change operation in the United States in 2004, supported by then Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai.

The plea for assistance follows a history of unsuccessful efforts to address the condition, resulting in Johnson’s exclusion from the women’s national team.

Hermaphroditism, a condition characterized by the presence of both male and female reproductive organs, is more commonly observed in animals than in humans, making Johnson’s case particularly rare and complex.

Johnson disclosed that he reached out to the NFF for financial support last year to undergo the crucial surgery but has not received any response from the football body.

Expressing his deep desire for completion of the surgery and the opportunity to have children, the 40-year-old emphasized that achieving this milestone would bring him immense fulfillment.

He said “Anytime I think that I can’t father a child’ yet, I feel broken, that’s why I wrote to the federation for financial assistance. The NFF president Ibrahim Gusau is a man with a listening ear and hopefully, through him, the federation can help me achieve my dream.”

In a letter titled ‘Appeal for financial assistance to enable me finalize my surgery of transforming from an intersex person (possessing both male and female organs – hermaphrodite) to a fully fledged man so that I can father a child’, addressed to the NFF president, Ibrahim Gusau, Johnson outlined his urgent need for financial support.

The letter dated April 4, 2023, read, “My President, I am using this medium to passionately appeal to you for God and humanity sake, to use your good office to assist me financially to enable me travel to the United State of America where I did the 1 & 2 phase of surgery (Midway Hospital Medical Centre, Los Angeles) for the surgery and treatment of the 3rd and 4th phase of my transformation to a full fledge man so that I can father children.

“The total cost of the surgery and treatment is one hundred and sixty thousand dollar ($160,000) equivalent to sixty nine million seven hundred and fifty thousand naira (N69,750,000:00).”

The letter to Gusau added, “I was born hermaphrodite i.e both female and male organs and was brought up as a female. I love football and played very well, that led to my selection to play for the Super Falcons in 1997.

“During my days of playing, an issue ensued that led to a test, which confirmed that I am a hermaphrodite, 70% male and 30% female. This led to terminating my appointment as a female player.

“The NFA (Nigeria Football Association) instructed that I should go for sex corrective surgery. The then Minister of Federal Capital Territory Mallam Nasir El-Rufai in 2004 sponsored my trip to the United State of America to undergo the sex corrective surgery.

I was told that I’m going to undergo four phases of surgery. The first and second phase was done and I was invited to join the Flying Eagles in camp in 2005. I was coached by Samson Siasia, but I was dropped due to overage.

“I was able to sign up with NEPA Football Club of Abuja, from there I signed for Plateau United of Jos. I later went on to sign up with Crown Football Club of Ogbomoso in Oyo State, where I was discriminated against and humiliated.” Johnson added

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