Renowned Nollywood actress, Osas Ighodaro has expressed deep concern over the steep rise in inflation within the country, highlighting how the purchasing power of N1 million...
In a concerning trend, Nigeria witnessed a surge in food inflation, reaching 33.93 per cent in December 2023, as reported by the National Bureau of Statistics...
Nigeria’s inflation hit 28.20% in November, marking the eleventh increase in 2023, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This figure rose by 0.87% compared...
Kingsley Moghalu, the former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has attributed the country’s inflation to the ongoing practice of the apex...
The World Bank has stated that inflation has had a distressing effect on the food crisis in Nigeria, with around 64 million Nigerians requiring immediate...
The month of April 2023 saw a sharp decline in the volume of dollars traded in the Investors and Exporters (I&E) window of the foreign...
Forex trading has been on the rise in Africa, with Nigeria being the second-largest retail online forex market on the continent. However, the absence...
The Ajaokuta-Abuja-Kano (AKK) pipeline project in Nigeria has been faced with challenges as the initial financiers, the Infrastructure and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), Infrastructure...
A World Bank report issued on Wednesday, states that inflation in food prices remains high in almost all low and middle-income countries. The report...
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has reported a significant increase in the average price of cooking gas and petrol in Nigeria. According to...